
Biomechatronics Lab featured in an NSF Science Nation video

NSF Science Nation logoThe Biomechatronics Lab is featured in a National Science Foundation Science Nation video titled, “Giving robots and prostheses the human touch,” as part of National Robotics Week.  The video was hosted by PBS NewsHour science and technology correspondent Miles O’Brien and edited by Kate Tobin.

Our lab’s video clips feature research conducted with robot hand and arm technology from Barrett Technology, multimodal tactile sensor technology from SynTouch, and our custom BairClaw robot hand testbed.

Special thanks to Dr. Paul Marasco and Beth Orzell, CPO from the Cleveland Clinic for reproducing their “bypass prosthesis” design for the body-powered split-hook for our lab!

The research is partially supported by NSF award #1208519, “NRI-Small: Context-Driven Haptic Inquiry of Objects Based on Task Requirements for Artificial Grasp and Manipulation,” as part of the National Robotics Initiative.